Update on Development

Hello there,

There is no update today, but I do have some updates on the development of the game. The most of this week was working on the new item system and some overall small improvements as well as removing baked lighting. This week was also a lot of thinking about the future of the project  and I have finally decided on some targets I have for when to move the game into alpha/beta/full release.  For the alpha I want to have 5 finished Grand Prix, a new car, a main menu rework and 6 total Items. A finished Grand Prix includes music for all tracks and  interactive environment pieces ( i.e. a dragon that swipes at cars). For the beta I want to have online multiplayer working as well as 7 Grand Prix and another new car. The full release target is 10 total Grand Prix, 10 total cars , and 10 items. As of now I have no idea the time frame for these targets as I am studying for an engineering degree and school is going to pick back up soon. 

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